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Hot Pack Combo Pack

QR 12.75
Hot Pack Combo Pack..

Hotpack Al Cont Combo Pack Buy 2 Get 1(10Pcs Each)

QR 15.50
Hotpack Al Cont Combo Pack Buy 2 Get 1(10Pcs Each)..

Hotpack Aluminium Contnr Round 5069+Lid 7+3 Offer

QR 5.00
Hotpack Aluminium Contnr Round 5069+Lid 7+3 Offer..

Hotpack Bio Garbage Bag Hd 80X110 Cm 10Pcs X 3

QR 10.00
Hotpack Bio Garbage Bag Hd 80X110 Cm 10Pcs X 3..

Hotpack Cling Film-100Sqft 2+1

QR 12.00
Hotpack Cling Film-100Sqft 2+1..

Hotpack Disposable Face Masks 100s -- أقنعه للوجه يمكن التخلص منها 100 حبة من هوتباك

QR 9.00
Hotpack Disposable Face Masks 100s Disposable Blue Face Mask Softer and thick easy breath Non Medica..

Hotpack Microwave Rect Contnr 500Ml+750Ml+1000Ml

QR 12.00
Hotpack Microwave Rect Contnr 500Ml+750Ml+1000Ml..

Hotpack Paper Cup 6Oz 50Pcs ×4Pkts

QR 10.00
Hotpack Paper Cup 6Oz 50Pcs ×4Pkts..

Hotpack Papercup With Handle 7oz 50-S -- هوتباك أكواب ورقية مع مقبض 50 حبة 7 أوقية

QR 5.00
Hotpack Papercup With Handle 7oz 50-S Multicolour disposable Pape cups Contains 50 cups in this pack..

Hotpack Plastic Plate 10 Twinpack 25x2Pkt

QR 15.00
Hotpack Plastic Plate 10 Twinpack 25x2Pkt..

Hotpack Plastic Round Plate 10 Inches 25s -- هوتباك طبق بلاستيك دائري 10 بوصة 25 حبة

QR 10.25
Hotpack Plastic Round Plate 10 Inches 25s Disposable Plates Plastic Round Plate Celeberate your food..

Hotpack Plastic Round Plate 9 Inches 25's -- هوت باك طبق بلاستيك دائري 9 بوصات 25 حبة

QR 9.50
Hotpack Plastic Round Plate 9 Inches 25's Plastic round plates foe all your needs Great to have fo..

Plastic Plate 10 +Plastic Cup 7 Oz 50 Pcs

QR 10.50
Plastic Plate 10 +Plastic Cup 7 Oz 50 Pcs..
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 (1 Pages)